Our beautiful planet is facing a pretty massive challenge in the form of climate change. The threshold of human activity that could impact Mother Earth has already been breached. Now, brands worldwide are trying their best to repair the damage. Efforts are being made to reduce our ecological footprint.
Environmental Care
Responsibility awereness
0.5% For The Planet
0.5% of all non-Paypal purchases to remove CO2 from the atmosphere

Recycled Materials for our Packaging
Eco-friendly Ink
Candybabe is aware of this responsibility. We have taken some concrete steps towards contributing towards improved environmental situation already!
We are super dedicated to environmental protection. The most significant proof of this is reflected in our packaging. We have consciously chosen to use recycled materials in crafting product boxes. So, you will see our packaging made of recycled materials. These boxes are made from recycled paper. The foam inside these boxes are sourced from recycled plastics. Transparent plastic film is used for sealing purposes, but do not worry. We are also actively exploring more eco-friendly alternatives to replace this plastic film. But the key takeaway? Our sex toy boxes and luxury BDSM electrical boxes are made of recycled materials. Just like our plastic bags made of recycled plastic and user manuals printed with eco-friendy ink.
Concrete Actions
We have given special attention to carbon removal commitment. We are actively fighting climate change. Climate change is a threat that is compared to all of the world. We have contributed 0.5% of all non-Paypal revenue to carbon removal efforts to avert this threat. We are all about creating a green world. More about our efforts is available here. You can also take part in our initiative to save the earth. Every step taken towards carbon control can contribute massively to this fight against climate change.