Peace Of Mind

  All of our products such as the BDSM Luxury Collection or Sex Toys are compliant with European Union safety and environmental requirements.

Our Sex Toys are extremely soft and made of high-quality Medical Grade or Food Grade silicone, phthalates-free, latex-free, bisphenol A (BPA)-free, Trimethiltyn Chloride-free and more.  All specifications are based on lab test. These toys pass through rigorous quality and safety standards set by the ISO 3533:2021.

This measure ensures not only your safety but as well as your peace of mind. The standard is very high at CandyBabe; we make sure that your products pass through the rigorous testing process.


But we care more than that! Such our 0.5% for the planet & 0.5% for education.

Our Sex Toys Are

1- Typically made from body-safe materials such as medical-grade silicone, stainless steel or glass. These materials are non-toxic plus easy to clean.

2- Smooth to touch and feel. Their surface that is easy to clean and doesn't harbor bacteria. So no threat of bacteria either

3- Something to experiment with, and see which settings and types suit you the best. You are offer a range of vibration patterns and intensity levels to cater different preferences and sensations

4- Rechargeable, which means rechargeable sex toys are often preferred over battery-operated ones as they are more eco-friendly and cost-effective.

5- Waterproof or Splash proof, which means that they are versatile and can be used in the shower or bath, relaxing as much as you like!

6- Ergonomically designed to fit the contours of the body for a more comfortable and pleasurable experience.

7- Made of Liquid silicone, the latest technology. It's seamless almost like skin and ultra bendable. Easy to insert. 

8- Versatile and can be used for various types of stimulation, catering to different preferences and to work best in a calm and peaceful environment with the remote-control easy-to-use made for a more enjoyable experience, especially for those new to using sex toys.

9- Advertised with the true specifications.

10- Compatible with smartphone apps or remote controls, allowing for long-distance or partner-controlled play.

11- Built to last for a long time, providing value for the money invested.

12- Built with safety features such as automatic shutoff timers to prevent overheating.

13- Designed to represent a diverse range of bodies and orientations, fostering inclusivity and representation.

14- From a brand that is well trusted, and has products with positive reviews, so that is a massive plus!